How to Survive the Strange

INTERVIEW: Thomas Walker discusses killing zombies, using a lawn mower as a shield, laundry, and more
May 19, 2010, 2:12 pm
Filed under: behind the scenes

In the first episode of How to Survive the Strange, Thomas Walker (@tommyismyname) is seen leisurely sipping lemonade in his backyard –when zombies attack! Director John Herman (@johnherman) asked him a few questions about the experience, including the best way to get bloodstains out of clothing. The interview is the first of a series that looks behind the scenes of “the next big thing in horror webshows”.

JOHN: What was it like to be attacked by a flesh eating zombie horde?

TOMMY: It was a dream come true! Ever since I was a little boy, I always wanted to be a part of a zombie apocalypse. In this case, I was happy I prevailed, but don’t think for a second that I would mind walking around as one of the undead, getting to bite people and eat brains without any sort of recourse.

JOHN: Let’s say you didn’t have a claw hammer in that scene. How could
 you have survived? Think fast!

TOMMY: Without the claw hammer I think I would have had to broken the table and use one of the legs as a stake, aiming directly for the eyes, at least to buy myself enough time to get to the shed and grab a shovel. If I ran quick enough, I’d start up the lawn mower, pick it up and use it as a shield of death. If it were a matter of buying time, a simple flamethrower using any aerosol and lighter to light the suckers on fire (so to blind them) then run to the bedroom and grab a sword. Those never run out of ammunition and have a much longer reach than a hammer. Can you tell I’ve spent way too much time thinking about this stuff?

JOHN: What is the best way to get blood stains out of clothing?

TOMMY: Fire. Zombie blood does not come out.

JOHN: What is your favorite zombie film?

TOMMY:  Ooooh that’s a tough one, there are so many to choose from. I’d have to say 28 Days Later and Quarantine are amongst my favorite two top favorites, but really, any of the movies from the Original “Dead” series are a staple and hold a special place in my heart.

JOHN: What paranormal dangers would you like to see How to Survive the
Strange cover in future episodes?

TOMMY: What to do in the event of an alien encounter? How to survive being possessed? Top 5 tips for returning to your body after a forced out of body experience. Dealing with psychics with bad intentions. Dealing with were-creatures. Best ways to react when encountering a deity.

Awesome ideas! Have your own ideas for episodes? Let us know in the comments!

Behind the Screams with show creators Bryan and John, via Strange Kids Club!
May 17, 2010, 6:11 pm
Filed under: behind the scenes, news, press

Strange Kids Club, a virtual clubhouse of B-movie monsters and pop culture retro geekdom, scored the first interview with How to Survive the Strange show creators Bryan White and John Herman.

Thanks to the incredible access and audience that the Internet provides, independent creative minds are getting a better chance at sharing some really cool ideas. Point in case is a recent web series developed by web designer and horror blogger Bryan White of Cinema Suicide and jack of all trades John Herman called How to Survive the Strange.

Now check out the interview! It is awesome!

BEHIND THE SCENES: Check out “How to Survive the Strange” set reports at
May 4, 2010, 2:52 pm
Filed under: behind the scenes

Check out‘s collection of behind the scene glimpses at the creation of HOW TO SURVIVE THE STRANGE. These quick videos were shot by Dan Freund using his phone (uploaded to the web within minutes). While you’re at it, browse around and see the other fine shows Shortstream has to offer. Eventually will be featuring our episode archive as well as our live web video events. Stay tuned!

BEHIND THE SCENES: Host Bryan White listens to a radio designed to speak to the dead
April 21, 2010, 8:32 pm
Filed under: behind the scenes

Bryan White, Host of "How to Survive the Strange" (by mrjohnherman)